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FSSAI License Renewal

Overseas Business
Posted 2 months ago

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FSSAI License Renewal

Overseas Business
Posted 2 months ago
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Corpseed is a company that offers various services to businesses in India, including assistance with FSSAI license renewal. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a government body responsible for regulating food safety and standards in India. All food businesses operating in India are required to obtain an FSSAI license, which needs to be renewed every 1-5 years depending on the type of business.

What services does Corpseed offer for FSSAI license renewal?

Corpseed offers a range of services to help businesses with FSSAI license renewal, including:

Document preparation: Corpseed can help you gather and prepare all the necessary documents for your renewal application, such as your existing FSSAI license, proof of business address, and any required fees.

Online application submission: Corpseed can help you submit your renewal application online through the FSSAI portal.

Liaison with the FSSAI: Corpseed can liaise with the FSSAI on your behalf to answer any questions or address any concerns they may have about your application.

Status tracking: Corpseed can help you track the status of your renewal application and keep you informed of any updates.

Visit here : https://www.corpseed.com/service/fssai-license-renewal
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Corpseed ITES Pvt Ltd's profile

Corpseed ITES Pvt Ltd
Corpseed ITES Pvt Ltd Registered for 2+ months Last online 2 months ago
Seller's description Corpseed is a company that offers various services to businesses in India, including assistance with FSSAI license renewal. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) is a government body responsible for regulating food safety and standards in India. All food businesses operating in India are required to obtain an FSSAI license, which needs to be renewed every 1-5 years depending on the type of business.

What services does Corpseed offer for FSSAI license renewal?

Corpseed offers a range of services to help businesses with FSSAI license renewal, including:

Document preparation: Corpseed can help you gather and prepare all the necessary documents for your renewal application, such as your existing FSSAI license, proof of business address, and any required fees.
Online application submission: Corpseed can help you submit your renewal application online through the FSSAI portal.
Liaison with the FSSAI: Corpseed can liaise with the FSSAI on your behalf to answer any questions or address any concerns they may have about your application.
Status tracking: Corpseed can help you track the status of your renewal application and keep you informed of any updates.
Benefits of using Corpseed for FSSAI license renewal:

There are several benefits to using Corpseed for FSSAI license renewal, including:

Saves time and effort: Corpseed can handle all the paperwork and communication with the FSSAI on your behalf, saving you time and effort.
Ensures accuracy: Corpseed can help you ensure that your application is complete and accurate, reducing the risk of it being rejected.
A-154A, A Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201301, Noida

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    Listing location

    A-154A, A Block, Sector 63, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India, 201301, Noida, Adrogué, Buenos Aires, Argentina
    -34.7973853, -58.3885508

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    FSSAI License Renewal
    Check with seller FSSAI License Renewal by Corpseed ITES Pvt Ltd
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